※ Elliott Pattern Helper Add In
1. Download GSL 1.15 sources
- Download GSL 1.15 sources archive file
- Extract the archive into a directory, let's say, 'GSL root'
2. Download Visual Studio 2010 GSL files
- Download GSL Visual Studio 2010 Solution zip file
- Extract the zip file into the 'GSL root'
Follow the instructions in 'GSL root'/build.vc10/gsl.vc10.readme file. For static library build,
3. Open Visual Studio solution file 'GSL root'/build.vc10/gsl.lib.sln in Visual Studio 2012 Express
- On 'VC++ compiler and library update' prompts, Click 'Update'
- Build 'gslhdrs' project. There'll be no build errors.
- Open Command Prompt window, and change directory to 'GSL root'/build.vc10/gslhdrs
- Run 'build arch'/'build mode'/gslhdrs.exe, where 'build arch' is either win32 or x64, 'build mode' is either Debug or Release.
- Build 'cblaslib' project. There'll be no build errors.
- Build 'gslib' project. Compiler may complaints with error 'illegal initialization' on rk4imp.c
- Edit the source as follows. Replace the original source
const double c[] = { (3 - sqrt (3)) / 6, (3 + sqrt (3)) / 6 };
const double c[] = { (3 - M_SQRT3) / 6, (3 + M_SQRT3) / 6 };
- Build 'gslib' project again. Compiler also returns an error on bspline.c, which caused by a #if block before a declaration block.
- Edit the source as follows. Replace the original source
gsl_bspline_greville_abscissa(size_t i, gsl_bspline_workspace *w)
if (GSL_RANGE_COND(i >= gsl_bspline_ncoeffs(w)))
GSL_ERROR_VAL ("Greville abscissa index out of range", GSL_EINVAL, 0);
const size_t stride = w->knots->stride;
size_t km1 = w->km1;
double * data = w->knots->data + (i+1)*stride;
gsl_bspline_greville_abscissa(size_t i, gsl_bspline_workspace *w)
const size_t stride = w->knots->stride;
size_t km1;
double * data;
if (GSL_RANGE_COND(i >= gsl_bspline_ncoeffs(w)))
GSL_ERROR_VAL ("Greville abscissa index out of range", GSL_EINVAL, 0);
//const size_t stride = w->knots->stride;
//size_t km1 = w->km1;
//double * data = w->knots->data + (i+1)*stride;
km1 = w->km1;
data = w->knots->data + (i+1)*stride;
- Rebuild 'gsllib', then there'll be no build errors.
- All done.