Getting the Sources and Running
ElliottBrowser for Quandl.Com is a .NET form application written in C#, and its main functionalities can be summarized as 'a tool for technical analysis of US stocks, with data fed from Quandl'.
Of course, free data provided by Quandl are not limited to US stocks, so anyone who want to analyze other data from Quandl or any data from any other data provider may use ElliottBrowser after modifying it a bit accordingly.
▷ Getting and Building the Sources
The sources of ElliottBrowser for Quandl.Com and its necessary libraries have been published in a GitHub repository.
In the source tree, is a Visual Studio solution file. After cloning or downloading the repository, it is enough to open and build the solution file with Visual Studio Community 2015 or compatible.
▷ Running ElliottBrowser
As stated, it is necessary to have a valid Quandl API key to run ElliottBrowser. If it's not the case, visit Quandl and register to get a free account first.
Every time when ElliotBrowser is starting, it tries to read one of its .ini file to get an API key. If it fails, it prompts the user to fill in a key. See below.
Fig 1. Running ElliottBrowser for Quandl.Com |
Fig 2. Filling in an API key |
As in Fig 2, after filling in at least one API key, click 'Save', and then click 'Data Provider' button in the main toolbar (See Fig 1).
Again, ElliottBrowser tries to read URL format string of Quandl API, and prompts the user if it fails.
Fig 3-1. Ini file checking |
Fig 3-2. Ini file checking |
Fig 4. Setting a default dataset |
Set the 'DatabaseDefault' field to 'WIKI', and the 'DatasetDefault' field to any valid ticker symbol, and click 'Save'.
After that, click the 'Data Provider' button in the main toolbar once again.
▷ Using ElliottBrowser
To learn the basic usages, please check the previous blog post.